The Alchemy of Sulphur

The Alchemy of SulphurOn Reinventing the Romantic


Product Information

Duration:107 minutes


Hope is writing a short story for ArtLit magazine. When her boyfriend relationship unravels, she attempts to escape heartbreak by writing herself into her story as a character who falls in love with Phineas, the story's central character. As her story develops, Hope's romantic literary projections begin to mysteriously trigger a series of real world encounters catalyzing her spiritual awakening. THE ALCHEMY OF SULPHUR explores the creative writing process as a magical rite of ego death and rebirth. Soundtrack by Sylvi Alli & others. Cinematography, editing, screenplay and direction by Antero Alli.

Editorial Reviews

The rarefied world of Alli’s characters points to a more substantial reality than the empty-image limbo the masses inhabit. Alli’s vision typically reaches beyond materiality to a timeless, unrestricted zone forever on hand to inspire those of us out of step with, or awake to more than, the zeitgeist.

Observer of Times Australia

The pace is measured and contemplative, and expertly crafted so that once you get pulled into its slower pace, every moment counts, and the pauses and silences are full of expressive nuance. Alli effectively uses dance, music, and subtle visual effects to poetically develop the alchemical aspects of the story. In The Alchemy of Sulphur, we have the master’s voice at the top of his game, allowing the language, story, images and sounds to distill out of the ether and arrive in our consciousness in crystalline, perfect form, a true act of cinematic alchemy.

David Finkelstein excerpted from Lake Ivan Film Journal

Insights into human behavior are exceptionally poignant. The Alchemy of Sulphur is a strong work of cinematic art that is both engaging and accessible. The fact that challenging work like this is being made available to all is revolutionary.

Michael Talbot-Haynes

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About the Author

Antero Alli

Antero Alli is the author of Astrologik; Angel Tech: A Modern Shaman’s Guide to Reality Selection; The Eight-Circuit Brain: Navigational Strategies for the Energetic Body; Towards an Archeology of the Soul; The Akashic Record Player: A Non-Stop Geomantic Conspiracy; A Modern Shaman's Guide to a Pregnant Universe (with C.S. Hyatt); The Vertical Oracle (with Sylvi Pickering-Alli); and State of Emergence: Experiments in Group Ritual Dynamics. Antero is also a practicing astrologer, a prolific underground filmmaker, and an experimental theatre director.